
Hello everyone. I guess my days are numbered HAHA. Exams are coming and even if my parents dun ground me, I'll be grounded by the amount of work given to me. This holiday is like the last chance for me to be out ever again...till nov. Come to think of it, I feel really quite sad. The thought of not being able to be with this great group of friends for this long long long long long long long long 2 months is sinking my heart. *tears*
After youth service and dinner and playground and reading XW's blog, I got this urge to blog. XW's blog is a real tear jerker haha. I just wanna mention some people who've made a great impact on my life lately.
Firstly, thank u XW for your msg to reaffirm our friendship and that I was never forgotten. =) Thanks XW you are really like Xiao Wei in the Xiao Wei song. Er yeah -.-" You are always so sweet and nice and you've influenced me greatly with your smilies. Somehow, I've always believed that you taught me how to smile. *leading by example* wahah. Thank You! =)
Next on the list is Kevin! Wahaha Kevin you've tried really hard to make me talk and you've succeeded haha. You remind me of Jinguo during the "inviting Jesus into your heart" part with your little nudges... haha. You two are veh funny =) Thanks for widening my horizon with your little discussion with me. I've learnt alot and discovered alot, things i nv knew. Thank you! Driving and talking at the same time is dangerous. I am scared :P
Lastly, is Shawn! Pretty face Shawn! Waahhaa. Shawn you really cool I bet everyone would agree. =) You swayed me with your sexy sleek dance moves. PLEASE TEACH ME AFTER MY EXAMS! *begs* hahaha. You are too cool for words even your shrug is cool :P Its great to know you! =)))))

Dearest region7/8, you guys are the bestest of the bestest friends I can ever find! People try everything to find a closely knitted community to feel belonged. Treasure this sense of belonging. Cherish this group of people. I wish I'll nv drift away from u guys....
Sorry if this post is abit jumpy and random. The words came out by themselves. =) ByE
is that your cat?
aww.. enghow is so sweet. he "gave thanks, with a greatful heart, gave thanks to the holy one, gave thank because he has been given Jesus Christ, his son!!!" haha. that IS a song btw. hehe. yes. good to see you agn. i was a bit shock you rmb my name. WOW. with THAT super memory.. aiya, olevel, PIECE OF CAKE MAN! haha. i finished my 3/4 of my ten year series alr! haha. *congrats myself. if i can do it, SO CAN YOU! go you!
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