meet and play with our new and HAPPY THREE FRIENDS!! oh, i mean four. heh.
you want to permantly put them or it on our blog? if we do we can directly play with them on our blog. heh. but i think we have to rename them.. er.. haha. or if you want can change colours. any colour existing. or you want other animal also can.. spider, wolf, dog, hamster, fish, cat, turtle, duck, penguin, tiger, rabbit.. got pet pencil and scissors too! and a light bulb. hahaha. but it's SO LAME.

click on it three times and it will roll in the mud! so cute! press more and you can wash away the mud of feed it an apple.

press and hold on it's neck and it'll make an irritating noise
press it's back and it'll jump and make a stupid noise.
llmamas are stupid and noisy to begin with.
you can feed it too :)
click under more.

i love this one! press it three times and it will spin in the air!
you can feed it too. click under more.

meet tarzen. it's name is just tarzan but the a change to e..
this monkey is quite cool. it can swing anywhere. the green cirle is for it to grab on it's legs. red for it's arms. you can feed it too. look under more.
oh. and you can swing it around nd around!! just hold down your mouse on any part of it and drag any where :)
dont you think his tail looks like sausauges strung together? haha. funny.
play this game to de-stress! quite fun :) use the arrows on your key board to move santa. just click play. you can play it here right at our blog!
if you want to permantly put it on our blog then just copy the url and paste in the template :)

click on it three times and it will roll in the mud! so cute! press more and you can wash away the mud of feed it an apple.

press and hold on it's neck and it'll make an irritating noise
press it's back and it'll jump and make a stupid noise.
llmamas are stupid and noisy to begin with.
you can feed it too :)
click under more.

i love this one! press it three times and it will spin in the air!
you can feed it too. click under more.

meet tarzen. it's name is just tarzan but the a change to e..
this monkey is quite cool. it can swing anywhere. the green cirle is for it to grab on it's legs. red for it's arms. you can feed it too. look under more.
oh. and you can swing it around nd around!! just hold down your mouse on any part of it and drag any where :)
dont you think his tail looks like sausauges strung together? haha. funny.
play this game to de-stress! quite fun :) use the arrows on your key board to move santa. just click play. you can play it here right at our blog!
if you want to permantly put it on our blog then just copy the url and paste in the template :)
the santa game is fun. ho ho ho.
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