Sunday, October 29, 2006
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WhatToBlogAh is a blog that houses VFC's Region 7/8 youths' random blog rants. This blog is free spirited and is supportive of topics of any kind. We all enjoy reading your comments so since you are here, why not post one? Tab on Ctrl+D to bookmark us!
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you cant go?
jacinth! you should REJOICE! that God has BIGGER and BETTER things for you :D
it's almost the same as missing youth camp to meet with liverpool players FACE TO FACE!! just that these people are much much(x100000000000000000000000) poorer compared to the filthy rich football players who can earn millionS just by acting macho on a field chasing a stuuuupid pathetic ball, competing with other morons chasing the same filthy ball covered with mud, fight with each other, complain and complain like sissys saying foul here foul there then purposely play unfair, later ACCIDENTLY score 3 goals in a row and claim ALL the credit and glory when it was SO CLEAR IT WAS PURE LUCK (as if it is such a big deal to score goals.. like hello? it happens EVERY MATCH if you didnt notice?? well, almost. the lousy ones are lousy what. what do you expect??) and then later they appear on the newspaper, then they attend some stupid press conference, steal the cover page of magazines and earn another million while doing so and get a better deal with another team and quit their current football team to go to another team (like xxxxxxx) just because they give a higher pay so he can be richer AGAIN and... and urggh... football, not my thing. ANYWAY, hahahaha, you're sacrificing it for the person who CREATED liverpool! and who also created youth camp.. even better right??? DUH. and who knows, maybe the person whose life you'll touch, will rise up and be some radical-big shot-evangilical-pastor-person in the near future who might cause such a huge relavation because she remembered the love you showed her and she, in turn, showed others the same unconditional love and MILLIONS get save.. YES! the number of people getting saved are more than the amount of dollars david beckam and ALL THE FOOTBALL PLAYERS IN THE WORLD have in their bank ADD UP TOGETHER. then because of her great great obediance and selfless dedication, Jesus will come back earlier!!!!!!! *GASP!
SEE! it'll all be worth..
hey reen, say wad u like but please dont tarnish the sport of football. thanks.
orh. sorry. you're welcome.
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