Uhh... *drools*
(Dennis the Menace?)
Hello people, I'm kinda stoned so i thought I blog a little while i take a break for my homework. Alone in the room now, eyes half open and fingers twitching, sister went to sleep after studying and I'm pretty gone. S-L-E-E-P-Y. Well, Colin is leaving for NationService tomorrow and yea, pretty soon I'll be next. But till then, I have peace in my heart as I believe God will protect Colin in the army. Hurray for Papa Jesus!
It seems Gary is pleased with our celebration today. I enjoyed the idea of hanging out with the youths on weekdays. Seriously, weekdays suck. And I want bubble tea. Maybe I could like go to Bishan tomorrow or something. Sit in the playground with bubble tea will be nice. I think its kinda cool but then again. Maybe not.
URGH... brain fried.
Maybe i'll nap...
Oh btw, this pic of birthday gary and S.B.mathieu is kinda goofy:

Sorry sista, I know you wanted to blog but hey... ya.
You fell asleep while waiting to use the comp. Apologies.
Oh, I wanted to buy those peanuts I saw actually but it kinda didn't happen? So yea. There you go.
awww. Mathieu so cutttttttttttee.
Gary so suwwweeettt.
yala. stupid brother. dont wna let me use the computer. and then when i fell asleep on he's bed, he scolded me.
): ): ): ): so mean right?
gladys, you can always blog the next day knw.. haha. and what is S.B anw?
Stupid Boy or Small Bear
Have your pick.
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