We Luuuuuuurrrrrrve You Colin

and ya, Colin, we love you anyway. :) :) :)
I was kinda inspired by TuckWah's thoughtful post and I thought I would write one myself. As for Colin, he truly is a great man of God. But *ahem* firstly, goodness, real happy you slapped yourself in the face and return to our one and only Papa Jesus!!! It was truly a great step of faith you took to return to the church. Jesus and the family missed you tons! Colin was my net leader and I would never forget the funny net sessions at my house where we would complain his lessons are boring.. etc. Hahah, but I still love you Colin! But seriously dude, I just realized you haven't changed your hairstyle since like... forever (your skinhead thing didn't cound cause I didn't see).
Colin is a man of courage, and his strength is all derived from the great guy above, Jesus. With God's grace and strength, Colin, you conquered so many hardships in your life and turned many other lives around. So I believe, with the same God, and with His same grace and strength, you can conquer everything (even 100 push-ups, creaky beds and sucky food)! Since we are all one Region D family, just remember we will be supporting you in our thoughts and prayers. And whenever we play 'Wacko', we will remember you as the guy who hits the hardest and scariest. :l Whoooole life hit hard.
You are a dear friend to us, and a dear son to Jesus.
Ok ok ok, you must be thinking wah this shawn SOH serious (get it?!?!).
Er, anyway...
Eh, Colin ah. With God's strength, CHIONG AHHH!!!!!!
MAJULAH SINGAPURA!!!! and Happy birthday to you too.
HAHA, you are younger than me, October baby.
actually, i changed a couple of times... I had armani, short, spiked forwards, spiked backwards. Super long hair, super short hair, dyed hair, tried a cornrow for a few hours, almost did stakes,(hair not long enough). Theres another form of wacko you haven't done yet... next time if got chance i show u guys... haha...
aosfkaoksf. ok colin u look so cool in this pic
i look cool in every pic...
ya as if. in fact u looked like a monster in this pic hawhahahaah
u know akuma in street fighter?
u reminded me of him.
glowing eyes.... scary.
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