Farts 101.

Recently there's been like very little posts coming up, so decided to research on this topic.
Yes, farts.
All you want to know about them.
Took this from the internet anyway, FYI.
Did you know?
- A scientific name for a fart is flatus or flatulence
- On the average, a healthy person farts 16 times a day.
- Animals fart too. Cats, dogs, and cows. Elephants fart the most.
- People fart the most in their sleep.
- Farts that contain a large amount of methane & hydrogen can be flammable.
The Science Of Farting
Ever wondered what the word "fart" stands for?
It actually stands for Frequency Actuated Rectal Tremor.
Farting is the act of passing intestinal gas from the anus. Intestinal gas comes from several sources :
Air we swallow,
Gas that seeps into our intestines from our blood,
Gas produced by chemical reactions in our guts,
And gas produced by bacteria living in our guts.
(You know, all the cheem cheem biology stuff lah.)
And bytheway, burps are not farts that come out your mouth. They have to do with your stomach.
Finding The Farter
"Whoever smelt it, dealt it."
Wrong, usually the person who farted the fart probably smells it last because the fart is propelled away from the body in the opposite direction of the farter's nose. Unless the fart happens to be upwind. (Gross.)
The Sound Of Farting
The sound of a fart is caused by the vibrations of the anal opening. The sound of your fart depends on the speed of the fart leaving your body and the tightness of the sphincter muscles of your anus. (Double gross, but thought maybe you wanted to know why some farts are loud.)
Famous Fart Food
The most famous farting food is the bean. What is it about these little things that cause such a stink?
Beans contain sugars that we can't digest. When these sugars make it to our intestines, the bacteria go berserk, start feasting and make loads of gas. Other foods that are great for making you fart are broccoli, cabbage, raw apples, milk and raisins.
(Ahhh. So people who fart alot, please stop eating all these.)
Anyway got my source from here,
Hahahahaha. Im super bored lah, dont blame me for researching on this.
Oh oh oh oh oh.
And anybody want to organise another Kbox outing :D ?
Hahaha. After O's, of course.
woah.. you are truely bored...
why dont do more research since u are the topic.. like wads is BO? or wad makes feet smelly? or maybe why is our shit brown? or what makes our urine yellow? or lets see, wad makes arm pit stinks? well, that should keep u entertained for a well...
hahahahahahahahahahas ;c)
wahahah!!!! nice one, maybe do something like armpit hair the next time =)
no lifer
wah, Joanna 'Bimbo' Wong actually blogged about farts.
I'm sooo amazed...
And I give youuu praisee....
:l rock on baby.
i guess shwn loved this post hahaha
ahhhaaaahaa. i found a short similar research on the web. only it was about kisses like what does it do to yr body and stuff. but i dun think i shud post it here anw.
leave it to JBW (:
i farted while reading this post.
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