Wednesday, November 08, 2006
who are we ah?

WhatToBlogAh is a blog that houses VFC's Region 7/8 youths' random blog rants. This blog is free spirited and is supportive of topics of any kind. We all enjoy reading your comments so since you are here, why not post one? Tab on Ctrl+D to bookmark us!
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Gary treat this SATURDAY'S DINNER AT S11
:D :D :D
not bad la. got treat. if i get i also wont treat HAAHAHAHAHA
CONGRATS!!! sigh, my little boy has grown up! *tears*
shwn what bleach epi. u watching
LOL! not bad eh.. GARYWONGAH
30+ now
haha. $150 is alot of money for me ohkay! Lets see. I can get my jac, right JOANNA? *winks.
Drinks? Dont want la.
I want prataaaaaa. Puteh putehhh.
OH and NIA means,
HAHAHAHAHAHA. ohkay. not funny.
gary treat prata.
got craving for prata now darren dp and all the talk abt it..
next time i bring you guys eat the best prata in singapore!
next time i bring you guys eat the best prata in singapore!
haha. congrats! you got progress for what? all the subjects? WOW! well done sia!
... actually prata cheaper than drinks leh. one drink $1.20.. one prata koh-song is ONLY 60 cents.. egg is $1.00?
better than nothing :D
prata, prata, pratar, pratar, pratahhh!! yayy!
haha. just kidding. you should go and buy $100 worth or assesment book and get the award again! haha. this is called INVESTMENT.
prata can be $3.50 also what, mushroom cheese at prata house. eat 1 full alr =X
who ask you eat so much. PIGG! haha.
I am hungry... hahaha
congrats Gary! proud of u! :)
this blog-post has made WhatToBlogAh history. 17 COMMENTS. After me, it would be 18.
TWENTY FIVE?!?!?! :l :l :l :l
twenty six !?
twenty seven?! hmmm. i wanna eat!! (:
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