
1 . Do you know a person's past?
when u look at someone, do u evaluate a person's character? do u determine whether he or she is smart/good-looking/poor/sociable, or? is it stereotyping crap? people might seriously not be what u think they are. like they say, dont judge a book by its cover. but even more, do u know their past? do u know which part of their past makes up their every character? maybe not. it is true that people should not keep dwelling on the past but look to the future. BUT, the past is an essential point for reflection. there may be a dark side of people's lives which they are unwilling or it is too difficult to pour out. maybe at times bits and pieces of the story may be leaked out. this bits and pieces may be what makes up the person u see today, whether quiet or determined or open or whatever it is. this is actually quite uncontrollable by the person himself. it can be said that most of the time, nobody knows the entire story of another individual's life.
maybe we should all look at others in a different light? u see a person super nervous all the time. he/she stutters when they talk and cant think clearly. you wouldnt know if the person has been bullied all the time when they were young and they do not reveal it. or probably they got humiliated publicly too often, that they have just developed that fear in them since young that they try hard to counter when they are older. if they dont tell u about these incidents, would u ever know? most likely not. some people really try extremely hard to counter themselves to change for the good and be accepted by all, but changing is just.. not so easy.
2. Have you found your true self?
seriously, it is a fact that people change. people change throughout their lives, sometimes a drastic change, sometimes a gradual change. sometimes they change due to unexpected events or undesired events. in fact, parts of a person change. the quotient of patience might be 40% before an event. after an event, the quotient may increase to 70%, or decrease to 20%. However, i feel so much that at the end, people find themselves back MOST of the time. maybe u've gotten tougher over the years, more outspoken, better determination. Ultimately when u think back to how much u've grown, u'll realise that theres a limit to ur change. i mean like if ur nature is to be kind to others, i srsly do not believe that u will suddenly lose all that kindness and stop being kind to others. if all ur life u have always upheld justice, suddenly u change and u treat people unfair. after a few months or years, i trust that if a person reflects enough, maybe through mistakes or whatever, he or she will realise that what they are doing is not them and will go back to their nature of being just to others.
a very apt example is the people from the yellow ribbon campaign. see all those people who made a mistake in their lives, if they are willing to change, surely they have found back themselves, or else they would most likely continue to commit mistakes, am i wrong? maybe their good nature is too far back, or lost due to the mundane cycle of life. they lose themselves and commit mistakes. After many many years, a 40 yr old can still find back their good nature 20 yrs ago, if they are willing to. Even though i havent lived so long, i see that through examples and i believe it is so. people can try to change themselves, for the good or for the worse, but people just shouldnt fool themselves. i know i commit that mistake myself umpteenth times, i change myself and fool myself into believing i alr thrown away the bad/goody side of me. and then, i go through changes myself but see that ultimately, i find myself back. i find my true self back, its just.. there.
whoa. that was strong. :)
ok that was insightful.
(: cheers to much thought.
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