Friday, November 30, 2007
Well, I can't believe Im actually posting this Video up. Its so darn embarrassing. But yea, for those who wants it, and for those who weren't at the Outreach itself. (:
Our very own. Adam&Eve presents,
For those who missed the wonderful performance put up by our very own lovely Adam&Eve dancers, Here you gooooooo (:
Video taken by BrotherSoh.
Enjoy (:
Video taken by BrotherSoh.
Enjoy (:
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Nicktan!
How to express your love for the birthday boy : Feed him soup lovingly.
Step 1 : Make sure it is not too hot, or else he will burn his tongue.

Step 2 : Say "Ahhhhh"

Step 3 : Carefully and slowly place the spoonful of soup into his delicate mouth.

Step 4 : Give a smile of satisfaction when he drinks it.


There you go, our birthday boy :)
Step 1 : Make sure it is not too hot, or else he will burn his tongue.
Step 2 : Say "Ahhhhh"
Step 3 : Carefully and slowly place the spoonful of soup into his delicate mouth.
Step 4 : Give a smile of satisfaction when he drinks it.
There you go, our birthday boy :)
its my bday!
and its over!
its a nice bday!
thank you all for the smses, calls and dinnnner!
dinner was great!
thank you all who came!
and bless those that didnt!
and also thanks for the nice card YOU gave me!
will keep it!
and sry if i didnt look as if i was having fun and grateful for all who turned up for my bday!
im fine! and i enjoyed it non the less!
and thank you nicsow, johnson, silas, reen for the dinner!
and thank you jo foo, jinguo and gang(ooh no, i forgot the names) for the slipper!
and thank you all for smsing, msning and remembering my bday!
and its over!
its a nice bday!
thank you all for the smses, calls and dinnnner!
dinner was great!
thank you all who came!
and bless those that didnt!
and also thanks for the nice card YOU gave me!
will keep it!
and sry if i didnt look as if i was having fun and grateful for all who turned up for my bday!
im fine! and i enjoyed it non the less!
and thank you nicsow, johnson, silas, reen for the dinner!
and thank you jo foo, jinguo and gang(ooh no, i forgot the names) for the slipper!
and thank you all for smsing, msning and remembering my bday!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Shining in the moonlight
GRATS region D!! The outreach was a blast!! Though "The Giving of flowers" to dancers n gladys( -_- gladys never really make surprises easy -_-) did not work as hoped for but it was good overall!! :D Johnson! ur right! she did it better than the video, God picked the perfect girl! Coz she got the extreme :D n :( look. Which amplify the emotions.. Good Job People! The Dancers were also awesome! To be honest i was abit surprise! but when i heard region 5/6 was on 2nd place. i went " :P ". Lets not put people down ":P".. DANCERS! ur AWESOME!
ok now! to the point of my post...xD
Recently i had my prom. Its was cool... we laughed, shouted with memories coming back round. We went on a high as we danced later after the "prom". Man, i embarrassed myself. Yet everyone was on a high, was feeling rebellious, feeling naughty.
After that, the unthinkable ( well, for me ) happened.Alot of my friends started to smoke. even those whom i did not expect them to do so. Only a few sat aside from the smokers. For the first time in my life, i was tempted to smoke, too ( i personally hate the smell of smoke -_-). It was to blend in.... it was to feel was to show i'm no wimp....
SUDDENLY!!! two things came to my mind!
2.My Wife.
I went, "nah ! not gonna do this!! I'll lose ALL my friends but not my God! And i will not give my Wife a man who will succumb to its surroundings! I will not do this!! i'll give her a Man of God!!! For my Wife !! n Lord, ya la, for u also" by the grace of God, i rebuked n resisted the thought.
Another one came about when they wana buy wine. I laughed in my heart as they think its some big thing to drink so little ( i know! i WAS a drunkard ) a thought crosses my head " LETS SHOW THEM HOW TO REALLY DRINK!! NOOBS!" but i slap it away with the same reason, my God n my wife. While they were drinking n smoking, i felt lonley. I then took out the pics i always took with my trusty handphone and begin to go through the pictures. ESPECIALLY those i took with 7/8 pips. I kinda relived the memories n felt better. I regretted not taking pictures of others whose not inside though :( i thank God for you people so much^^
My point? I found that it is one thing to shine in darkness and its another to sustain that light. What is the power source of your light? Is it our strength o God? A faint light will no doubt shine, yet it's faintness speaks of its power is getting low. We must all shine like the stars so people could see and come to know our LORD (Matthew 5:14) light is different form darkness, that's why it shines!. We are the image of God (Genesis 1:26), the Temple of God (1 corinth. 3:17), The sons and daughters of God (Galatians 4:6) , Servants of God (Romans 6:22),ambassador of God (2 corinth 5:20). So many titles ( n more) and God has exalted us yet with a burden he do so. We are called to a perverse generation to be Holy. How do we do that? We stay Close to Jesus.
Worship is not the way to God, Prayer is not the way God, Reading the bible is not the way to God. JESUS is the way! We are saved to be his sons and daugthers. Which child does not tell his parents their problems? Talk to Jesus and treat him as a person instead of some religious figure. I not mean don do the previously mentioned things but you can be well skilled in the above n still miss God. Yet knowing the Person of Jesus will keep you.
Examples would be Peter, John and the Pharisees in the bible. The pharisees know the old testament inside out yet they missed God. Peter was like the "leader", he was the "water walker" etc. YET he was unable to stay with Jesus, the strength he had was his own. JOHN! was the only disciple that stood with Jesus at the cross. ( john 19:25) John understood the person of Jesus, LOVE. HE called himself " The disciple whom Jesus loved" <-- this can ONLY be found in John, in reference to himself. Perfect love casts out all fear, even that of Death. It was the Love of God that let him stand there at the cross with Jesus. Therefore we also must understand Romans 8:38-39, that nothing can separate us from Jesus. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you (James 4:8) God has done the things needed for u to reach him n he's waiting for you. If we can spend 6 hours playing o working, why not an hour o more with God? i Thought he's our everything? our greatest love?? Is it true O is it all whole lotta bullshit? If its true, then wouldnt we give him more??? I spoke as a victim to this.
( my language is well watched and i picked the words to express it )
So dearest all! As we humble ourselves and Seek the LORD let us remember that God is our refuge and fortress! Psalm 91, all the verses are powerful promises of protection n Love from God. It even promises u backslide proof in verse 7. Such promises are only found in God and in Seeking him.
There is no middle place in a war, its either you kill o be killed, you die or survive. By reading this i assume you took your stand with God. Prepare for War, everyone to their place!
The warriors draw their swords and the archers ready their bow.
Await our commander, Jesus who waits patiently on the low.
Fire will fall to test our foundations in Christ. The strength of it will depend on our relationship with God. Will you crumble and die o will you hold on to Jesus so you can stand?
The Choice is yours
and yours alone.
God bless you all ^^
Silas of Shaddai
ok now! to the point of my post...xD
Recently i had my prom. Its was cool... we laughed, shouted with memories coming back round. We went on a high as we danced later after the "prom". Man, i embarrassed myself. Yet everyone was on a high, was feeling rebellious, feeling naughty.
After that, the unthinkable ( well, for me ) happened.Alot of my friends started to smoke. even those whom i did not expect them to do so. Only a few sat aside from the smokers. For the first time in my life, i was tempted to smoke, too ( i personally hate the smell of smoke -_-). It was to blend in.... it was to feel was to show i'm no wimp....
SUDDENLY!!! two things came to my mind!
2.My Wife.
I went, "nah ! not gonna do this!! I'll lose ALL my friends but not my God! And i will not give my Wife a man who will succumb to its surroundings! I will not do this!! i'll give her a Man of God!!! For my Wife !! n Lord, ya la, for u also" by the grace of God, i rebuked n resisted the thought.
Another one came about when they wana buy wine. I laughed in my heart as they think its some big thing to drink so little ( i know! i WAS a drunkard ) a thought crosses my head " LETS SHOW THEM HOW TO REALLY DRINK!! NOOBS!" but i slap it away with the same reason, my God n my wife. While they were drinking n smoking, i felt lonley. I then took out the pics i always took with my trusty handphone and begin to go through the pictures. ESPECIALLY those i took with 7/8 pips. I kinda relived the memories n felt better. I regretted not taking pictures of others whose not inside though :( i thank God for you people so much^^
My point? I found that it is one thing to shine in darkness and its another to sustain that light. What is the power source of your light? Is it our strength o God? A faint light will no doubt shine, yet it's faintness speaks of its power is getting low. We must all shine like the stars so people could see and come to know our LORD (Matthew 5:14) light is different form darkness, that's why it shines!. We are the image of God (Genesis 1:26), the Temple of God (1 corinth. 3:17), The sons and daughters of God (Galatians 4:6) , Servants of God (Romans 6:22),ambassador of God (2 corinth 5:20). So many titles ( n more) and God has exalted us yet with a burden he do so. We are called to a perverse generation to be Holy. How do we do that? We stay Close to Jesus.
Worship is not the way to God, Prayer is not the way God, Reading the bible is not the way to God. JESUS is the way! We are saved to be his sons and daugthers. Which child does not tell his parents their problems? Talk to Jesus and treat him as a person instead of some religious figure. I not mean don do the previously mentioned things but you can be well skilled in the above n still miss God. Yet knowing the Person of Jesus will keep you.
Examples would be Peter, John and the Pharisees in the bible. The pharisees know the old testament inside out yet they missed God. Peter was like the "leader", he was the "water walker" etc. YET he was unable to stay with Jesus, the strength he had was his own. JOHN! was the only disciple that stood with Jesus at the cross. ( john 19:25) John understood the person of Jesus, LOVE. HE called himself " The disciple whom Jesus loved" <-- this can ONLY be found in John, in reference to himself. Perfect love casts out all fear, even that of Death. It was the Love of God that let him stand there at the cross with Jesus. Therefore we also must understand Romans 8:38-39, that nothing can separate us from Jesus. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you (James 4:8) God has done the things needed for u to reach him n he's waiting for you. If we can spend 6 hours playing o working, why not an hour o more with God? i Thought he's our everything? our greatest love?? Is it true O is it all whole lotta bullshit? If its true, then wouldnt we give him more??? I spoke as a victim to this.
( my language is well watched and i picked the words to express it )
So dearest all! As we humble ourselves and Seek the LORD let us remember that God is our refuge and fortress! Psalm 91, all the verses are powerful promises of protection n Love from God. It even promises u backslide proof in verse 7. Such promises are only found in God and in Seeking him.
There is no middle place in a war, its either you kill o be killed, you die or survive. By reading this i assume you took your stand with God. Prepare for War, everyone to their place!
The warriors draw their swords and the archers ready their bow.
Await our commander, Jesus who waits patiently on the low.
Fire will fall to test our foundations in Christ. The strength of it will depend on our relationship with God. Will you crumble and die o will you hold on to Jesus so you can stand?
The Choice is yours
and yours alone.
God bless you all ^^
Silas of Shaddai
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Constant 2years, Champs?

Holy Beef! Amazinggggggggg.
Adam & Eve really did well. Actually, It was a total shocker for me that
they actually won. "And the champions for take the floor 2007, isssssss, once again, REGION 7/8! " I jumped right out of my seats andddd wooottt!
Haha, well I guess they really deserve it (:
Ive been at dance practices quite often, and as Ive noticed that they
really put God first. They remembered,
its not about us, but about God. I know this journey started off rough
for them, alot of adjustments to be dealt with and everything. It was tough,
and really tiring to settle down everything. Costumes, Hair&Makeup, Choreography,
TeamMembers, and the list goes on.
I could really see God working during the whole process,
and I felt so proud of them, when they were showing off their grooves.
They truely shined for God, and I guess thats the most important thing.
They did awesome (:
God helps to bring people, us as a region closer at everyone of these outreaches,
and I thank Him for that. Seeing the number of souls up there at the altar was
definitely heartwarming.
-Melody B.
-Mathew B.
- Felice
anddd peepos, if you were wondering where the Sohs disappeared to,
this morning at service,
wellllllll. The Soh are on their way to Genting.
Its ohkay if you all dont miss me, I'll miss you allll laaaaaa.
Well well,
before I sign off,
(i mean nick tan)
You were awesome on stage too!
Seeya all when I see you loves.
ohkay. sorry fellow polyers.
I couldnt help it. Haha.
Loveeeeeeeeeeeee, Glad. (:
Celebrating Our Love

(click it, its a wallpaper)
today we were cheering like mad in the victory of Adam&Eve. but if you looked at the bigger picture, today we commerated a new beginning, a celebration of our growth, our family values and our loud-yelling-love.
here's to all we have been and what we are to be.
praise be to Jesus and yay!
everyone did good in screaming and dancing today!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Good luck to all Adam&Eve members
All the best to achieving your goals
Yi Ge Liang Ge San Ge Shi Ge
Wu Ge Liu Ge Qi Ge Ba Ge
Thursday, November 22, 2007
adam and eve
one thing that i really know that God is teachin me now is to have faith.
*bear wit me, it's goanna be long*
when i went to watch evan almighty, than when he said"when you pray for courage,
god wont give you courage but he will give you oppertunities to be courages"
and i praid asking God to give me more faith.and soon, i totally forgot that i praid that!
but the other day, my bro's were wacthing evanalmighty again
and when the same sentence was said, suddenly i remembered that prayer
and lookin back, God has given me so many circumstances to be faithful and have faith in him.
example like my studies,youth camp and now dance
the pass few days have been stressful. dance steps, and dance costume!
one more day of practice and it's performance.
and we have not finished chorograph!
sometimes i doupt God and try to do it with my own strenght and always God has
to bring me back to a point where he reminds me that i cant do nothing witout his help!
GUYS..we serve a faithful God! and i am so thankful that he never fails us!
it does not matter if we win or not.wad matters is that God uses our dance to touch lives!
one thing that i really know that God is teachin me now is to have faith.
*bear wit me, it's goanna be long*
when i went to watch evan almighty, than when he said"when you pray for courage,
god wont give you courage but he will give you oppertunities to be courages"
and i praid asking God to give me more faith.and soon, i totally forgot that i praid that!
but the other day, my bro's were wacthing evanalmighty again
and when the same sentence was said, suddenly i remembered that prayer
and lookin back, God has given me so many circumstances to be faithful and have faith in him.
example like my studies,youth camp and now dance
the pass few days have been stressful. dance steps, and dance costume!
one more day of practice and it's performance.
and we have not finished chorograph!
sometimes i doupt God and try to do it with my own strenght and always God has
to bring me back to a point where he reminds me that i cant do nothing witout his help!
GUYS..we serve a faithful God! and i am so thankful that he never fails us!
it does not matter if we win or not.wad matters is that God uses our dance to touch lives!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Well, the lowdown from the cooldown and bringing it back around
Fruits of ur prayers!!
Well, to let u guys know, my fren u guys prayed for is growing good! The reality of the need to have Jesus Christ in his life is impacted strongly by the death of his aunt. I'm not rejoicing over the death but at least God did something through that event. Please pray his soul would be preserved as his hard on himself for not attempting to lead his aunt to Christ when he have the chance. He is also angry at his cousin for not try to lead his dying aunt to Christ. Yet above all, he is well and alive as he know the need to get closer to God and for that! i thank U JESUS!! its a miracle and thank u all for ur prayers, u guys will see him in church soon. ^^
The fruits of Rick's teachings and our willingness to transform..
Well, as u know...2 guys joined us recently in 7/8 and let me tell u people!! we make an impact in their lives. Not a small one if u will. i have his permission to share all this :P
Jenson has bad experiences in church as he went to a church ( which name i will not mention ) and the people were critical to him there. He felt hurt and left soon after BUT when he arrived at our church , he finds us welcoming, warm, cheerful and encouraging people, like nothing he knew. He's touched by our acceptance of him and u know what?? ( WHAT??) I see people constantly getting them involve in their group and not leaving them out. ITS WONDERFUL. After the service and talking to some of us, he feels stronger to let go of the sins in his life! Believe me when i say he let go quite alot, he knows he needs to change n will work towards that.
His line of defence for temptation?? Is this, " I've got my bible, i've got my God, my brothers, my sisters, and i DON need these things anymore for God has send these things and u all (we^^) to support me!" man, he really have simple, childlike faith in God as he worry less and depend more on God... pray for him and all. Lets us look forth in love rather than what we see or might know about them. IF sinners and the imperfects are not allowed in church, then WHO IS??
For By this will they know WE belong to our God! That we LOVE one another as CHRIST HAS LOVED US. WE are the sons and daugthers of a God who died n rose again so we can live. Such love! Such Beauty!! Such a wonderful God!!!
i've yet to talk to kenton, so dono much :/
Prophecy Fulfilled??
Today i met up with my discipler, its been a long while. i told her of our region being very nice to be in^^ then she said,
" Is ur RP Bro Mohan??"
"no surprise. There was once a prophecy over him that his region will be strong in evangelism and very friendly"
Through this event i'm seeing it coming through!! i'm excited, what will God do next?? :D
A piece of my mind...
I've been doing ALOT of thinking lately, its not that i'm Emo! but i'm thinking ^^
through these times i'm suprise how little acts of love impacts people's lives and i thought of the effects of God's love in us.... too much to i stopped! yet this struck me most.. AS u all know, the church will be moving to caring for the needy in SG. Good call after us being transformed.I saw the videos in the banquet and it touches my heart alot, makes me wana cry xD i saw the blind the lame, those whose Hope is dead in my mind and i asked God, " LORD! y not heal them?? n ease their sufferings?? Y not just drop money on their Heads with ur tag on it?? Y not?? Y not??? then God kinda put it in my heart, " Son, have u ever thought that i placed darkness so the light could shine? U are the light of the world. Think of this, the blind feels lost and lonely, and you were there to be with them. The needy hungers and you were there to fill the need. The old and abandon thought themselves living deads but u make them feel worthwhile to take another breath. AND they will know u love them. They will know u are my disciples. And they will know me. For what Good is light in light? But Light only shines in darkness, no matter how faint the light is, it will shine"
To tell u the truth, i almost teared. Thinking " WHY US??" i mean , God want to work with us! TOGETHER! To have another greater plan!! now i'm not ommiting the fact that God will not work his healing power but why God still allows such things around us. ALL things works good for those who love him. In this context, God has even let these things for our benefit. WHAO.
WE've been praying for revival. But a thought.
If u revive the Church, you'll revive the world.
It happened in Acts 2 yet it will happen again in Acts 29
How fast it happen depends on our willingness to submit to God.
we're waiting for God, His waiting for u,we're waiting for God,His waiting for u we're waiting for God, His waiting for u
It is ONLY a matter of God's time but are we ready for GOD??? :D
Acts 29: 137 " Silas Shared his heart out to his loved ones by blogging" ^^
God Bless you all!
Well, to let u guys know, my fren u guys prayed for is growing good! The reality of the need to have Jesus Christ in his life is impacted strongly by the death of his aunt. I'm not rejoicing over the death but at least God did something through that event. Please pray his soul would be preserved as his hard on himself for not attempting to lead his aunt to Christ when he have the chance. He is also angry at his cousin for not try to lead his dying aunt to Christ. Yet above all, he is well and alive as he know the need to get closer to God and for that! i thank U JESUS!! its a miracle and thank u all for ur prayers, u guys will see him in church soon. ^^
The fruits of Rick's teachings and our willingness to transform..
Well, as u know...2 guys joined us recently in 7/8 and let me tell u people!! we make an impact in their lives. Not a small one if u will. i have his permission to share all this :P
Jenson has bad experiences in church as he went to a church ( which name i will not mention ) and the people were critical to him there. He felt hurt and left soon after BUT when he arrived at our church , he finds us welcoming, warm, cheerful and encouraging people, like nothing he knew. He's touched by our acceptance of him and u know what?? ( WHAT??) I see people constantly getting them involve in their group and not leaving them out. ITS WONDERFUL. After the service and talking to some of us, he feels stronger to let go of the sins in his life! Believe me when i say he let go quite alot, he knows he needs to change n will work towards that.
His line of defence for temptation?? Is this, " I've got my bible, i've got my God, my brothers, my sisters, and i DON need these things anymore for God has send these things and u all (we^^) to support me!" man, he really have simple, childlike faith in God as he worry less and depend more on God... pray for him and all. Lets us look forth in love rather than what we see or might know about them. IF sinners and the imperfects are not allowed in church, then WHO IS??
For By this will they know WE belong to our God! That we LOVE one another as CHRIST HAS LOVED US. WE are the sons and daugthers of a God who died n rose again so we can live. Such love! Such Beauty!! Such a wonderful God!!!
i've yet to talk to kenton, so dono much :/
Prophecy Fulfilled??
Today i met up with my discipler, its been a long while. i told her of our region being very nice to be in^^ then she said,
" Is ur RP Bro Mohan??"
"no surprise. There was once a prophecy over him that his region will be strong in evangelism and very friendly"
Through this event i'm seeing it coming through!! i'm excited, what will God do next?? :D
A piece of my mind...
I've been doing ALOT of thinking lately, its not that i'm Emo! but i'm thinking ^^
through these times i'm suprise how little acts of love impacts people's lives and i thought of the effects of God's love in us.... too much to i stopped! yet this struck me most.. AS u all know, the church will be moving to caring for the needy in SG. Good call after us being transformed.I saw the videos in the banquet and it touches my heart alot, makes me wana cry xD i saw the blind the lame, those whose Hope is dead in my mind and i asked God, " LORD! y not heal them?? n ease their sufferings?? Y not just drop money on their Heads with ur tag on it?? Y not?? Y not??? then God kinda put it in my heart, " Son, have u ever thought that i placed darkness so the light could shine? U are the light of the world. Think of this, the blind feels lost and lonely, and you were there to be with them. The needy hungers and you were there to fill the need. The old and abandon thought themselves living deads but u make them feel worthwhile to take another breath. AND they will know u love them. They will know u are my disciples. And they will know me. For what Good is light in light? But Light only shines in darkness, no matter how faint the light is, it will shine"
To tell u the truth, i almost teared. Thinking " WHY US??" i mean , God want to work with us! TOGETHER! To have another greater plan!! now i'm not ommiting the fact that God will not work his healing power but why God still allows such things around us. ALL things works good for those who love him. In this context, God has even let these things for our benefit. WHAO.
WE've been praying for revival. But a thought.
If u revive the Church, you'll revive the world.
It happened in Acts 2 yet it will happen again in Acts 29
How fast it happen depends on our willingness to submit to God.
we're waiting for God, His waiting for u,we're waiting for God,His waiting for u we're waiting for God, His waiting for u
It is ONLY a matter of God's time but are we ready for GOD??? :D
Acts 29: 137 " Silas Shared his heart out to his loved ones by blogging" ^^
God Bless you all!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Long Kang Sonnet
Dedicated to my Dearest. Enjoy:)
My love for you is like the Long Kang.
Each Luohan in the Long Kang speaks my love for you,
Each drop of Long Kang water shouts at your name.
The sweet fragment aroma rises daily to greet your nostrils.
Despite the swaying of the tide,
The Long Kang is still there.
Whether it is dry or not,
The Long Kang is still there.
It is eternal and wide.
So as my love to be, Like a Long Kang.
My love for you is like the Long Kang.
Each Luohan in the Long Kang speaks my love for you,
Each drop of Long Kang water shouts at your name.
The sweet fragment aroma rises daily to greet your nostrils.
Despite the swaying of the tide,
The Long Kang is still there.
Whether it is dry or not,
The Long Kang is still there.
It is eternal and wide.
So as my love to be, Like a Long Kang.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
playground circles

samuelheng and i were sharing with each other about how i felt about our region. i guess, i just want to let you know that i love all your company - the noise, the excessive laughter and teasing, the cohesive drive that you all have for God. and every time i go back to camp or whatever obligation, i do miss you all almost immediately (haha). i love looking at you all fellowship with one and another, screaming, laughing... your energy has this mad serenity. whilst watching all of you at the playground today, it dawned upon me that a year ago, we were in the very same place, playing animal wacko. and it was a year ago that God started weaving us together tightly...
region qigebege thrives on family values and we make effort in supporting one and another. maybe we are just influenced by grace's excessive worrying and her purist christianity expectations. hahaha. but i remember during phillip's passing on, our region came together to be there for one and another physically, spiritually, emotionally... and we went through the difficult time together, as a region.
we are a team.
we are one spirit.
we are truly, like family!
and this message isn't just for those who are in the region physically now. it applies to everyone who has been in qigebage. really, all of you, have made a difference one way or another.
i love you region D.
alright, now its your turn to share what you love about our region,
and what you think we are not so good in and should improve on?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Regional Tee Draft 2
Alright, I don't know what your reactions would be but I got fed up with the sparrow thing. I felt that the last tee lacked character and there was no strong 'region7/8 identity'. I believe that our very first tee should capture our energy, since we are getting new members also... so the tee should be an introduction to who we are as a region. Hence this design.

Its experimental I guess, cause I'm usually not this spontaneous with my work (and ya, I removed my usual swirlies and flowers and... urgh shut up samuel heng). But, do tell me what do you think. If you guys liked the sparrow one better, we could still print that but... ya feedbacks about this one?

Its experimental I guess, cause I'm usually not this spontaneous with my work (and ya, I removed my usual swirlies and flowers and... urgh shut up samuel heng). But, do tell me what do you think. If you guys liked the sparrow one better, we could still print that but... ya feedbacks about this one?