Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Its been a while ^^

Remember Me

Remember me in the place of mighty voices
Of Banners of victories and surrender
Where i am desolate in the midst of Joy.
I am as grass to stars in this celebration.

Remember me for i remember you
Of Greatness and wisdom there is none like you
It is not you who know all?? Can you not do all?
Your grace knows no bounds and of love,
no limit.
Yet in remembrance i have defeat.

My left sings my right dances
Only i stay destroyed in weakness
All royalty but me a slave
Remember me O Lord for i remember you
Who can i hope in but you?
For my victory is yet to be,
Though as far as a dream
In stillness i wait, in anguish i pray
Remember me O Lord for i remember you

Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's a new week=)

I guess everyone is trying to look on the good side of what is going to be another long week. The weekends apparently look quite a distant away. School is gonna be school, as usual. But i think there's something we all possess that people don't. God didn't create education to make you angry or bored, think about it. It's always good to remember the people you get to see when you actually step out of the realm of "school". So this is a suggestion that i think will brighten you up.

I think we could at least take an effort to send an encouraging sms to your net members maybe, take time to talk about the day after school. I think although it's quite a simple thing to do, but it does brighten up your day to know someone's thinking about you, that someone's there suffering the same stupid chore of school.
we cant change the fact that we still need to go to school, so
Kill the (school) blues and smile:D

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


pics on facebook(:

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Monday, July 06, 2009

Take Him to the Streets

hey RegionDee :)

this comes after GoodNews, HotdogHalocaust, Net outreaches, Youthcamp, and now, TakeItToTheStreets. I just thought about all the souls, contacts and visitors that have come pouring in. No i do not have stats to show, or a number to give, but I really think that its time that we go after these contacts and begin to take a little more responsibility. (how i do i say this without being forceful or huhh, haha.) Its been super amazing seeing how you guys bring friends and include visitors when they come to our events or relax-one-corner at the playground but more than ever, i really feel that consolidation needs to be brought a notch up in our region. and yeeaaah, i wanna encourage you guys to do this all together, not just the netleaders but even us as members.

Begin to pray, and call and reconnect with all the names and numbers that we have gotten so far, i really believe that its God's time and His intervention that brought these souls to us. I was reading the Corporate sunday vfc weekly thing and the testimonies about those souls from GNS that stayed in God's house because of someone that bothered to consolidate and reinvite them back to church is just humongous. :) it really got me, at how people are just waiting to be asked back, people waiting to be prayed for and to be loved and showed how to connect to God, to learn more about our God.

I'm not saying its easy or that Im already totally great at this, but consolidation will require your effort and take up your time. if you lack the heart, then ask like i still do, that your Father will give you a heart for these souls just like His. if you're shy, then ask for His boldness. :) when you begin to posture yourself into the attitude of eternity, the urgency and the love will begin to drive you to pray and take responsibility for these souls, some even your friends. The seed has been planted, lets not let go and do our part!

Pray for them, that God will protect them from the lies and the deception of the enemy. Pray that they will be radically saved, and founded in the house of God, just like the dude we learnt about in CW, whose house did not shake when the winds of life blew. Let's be the answer for labourers in the Harvest of souls.You can start today, its the week of Prayer&Fasting. :D

So now even as you take Him to the streets, I pray that we will all begin to rise up and really, live like its our generation our responsibility and no longer just a slogan on EdgeAnnnouncements.

In His love and mine!

HAPPY YOUTH DAY TO US, yeaah all the young people, like me.