Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
The past, present and future is in God's hands
Yes, 2007 is coming to an end. As we reflect back to see what we as a region have accomplished, we really have done such a great job. We've all been changed and transformed throughout the course of the year. From becoming a Kingdom family series to Synergize, overseas visiting ministers and Youth camp, each and every sermon has really changed our character, both physically and spiritually. We have seen an increase in the new members joining our region, the maturity and responsibilities each and everyone of you have developed. New nets and leaders coming forth and the bonding of our region growing stronger and stronger, we have really made it far. We had our very own service today; sound, worship, video, ushering and dance. A big thumbs up to all you guys who helped our P6s and Sec1s adjust so quickly and smoothly as well as accepting the new members of our region. It really warms me seeing how new members mixing together with the older ones serving Jesus as one church. You guys have been really enthusiastic about net, edge and evening services. Glad to see all of you living righteously and glorifying God everyday.
However, let us not rest on our laurels and strive to do even better for 2008. Evangilism as our mission, we shall have the discipline, determination and strength to continue praying for that 1 to be saved by the end of 2008. As Pastor Paul Lim has shared, we have to be reassured of our loved ones' salvation. Remember that every prayer counts and continue to pray. Pastor Jude bestowed upon us the supernatural boldness to spread the Word to our friends and strangers. As he said, prayer really works! Our goal of reaching out to our campuses begins with you. Besides the selected campuses Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary and Geylang Methodist Secdondary, we must strive to spread the gospel to all. Seize any given opportunities to plunder hell and populate heaven. Have the discipline to do God's will, the responsibility to uphold our aims and that we would all be able to see that 1 come to Christ.
I pray that all of you would excel in your studies and work and be a light to this world. We shall glorify God in all that we do. The Holy Spirit will guide us and we shall keep ourselves pure and sanctified for Jesus as we are His temple. This is our generation, our responsibility.
I would love to encourage Darren and Joey. Despite being young, both of you have served the Lord though the Video ministery. As for all the video crew, keep up the good work.
Our youth in the worship ministery: Jing Guo, Joanne Fu, Grace Chan, Silas, Joel Leong, Joel Lim, Joash, Josiah, Jireh Yew, and those whom I have missed out; I thank you for leading us into praise and worship. Sound guys Jin Lun, Mathieu Tan, Nick Tan and Samuel Heng, keep up the great work. Dance members Melody, Matthew, Carmen, Gladys, Felice, Grace Chan, Michelle Tham and Jin Lun, though you people feel very sian performing again and again, you have been great in your ministry. To all you people in the other ministries such as ushering, you guys have really impacted those you serve. To those who have faithfully attended classes, well done. To all you people of Region QigeBage, Jesus loves You! Always remember that. Our dearest youth coordinators Jin Lun and Joanne, God is always there for you and that you will guide and counsel us in our walk with Christ. Dearest youth minister Grace Chong, thank you for helping us as a region grow, counselling us and mentoring us. Just as a mother hen would teach and protect her young, you have done the same as our mother in Christ. Thus, our personification of you as our mother hen.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Be certain and trust in the Lord as He loves, bless and pour out His favour upon all of us. Wish all of you a blessed new year.
However, let us not rest on our laurels and strive to do even better for 2008. Evangilism as our mission, we shall have the discipline, determination and strength to continue praying for that 1 to be saved by the end of 2008. As Pastor Paul Lim has shared, we have to be reassured of our loved ones' salvation. Remember that every prayer counts and continue to pray. Pastor Jude bestowed upon us the supernatural boldness to spread the Word to our friends and strangers. As he said, prayer really works! Our goal of reaching out to our campuses begins with you. Besides the selected campuses Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary and Geylang Methodist Secdondary, we must strive to spread the gospel to all. Seize any given opportunities to plunder hell and populate heaven. Have the discipline to do God's will, the responsibility to uphold our aims and that we would all be able to see that 1 come to Christ.
I pray that all of you would excel in your studies and work and be a light to this world. We shall glorify God in all that we do. The Holy Spirit will guide us and we shall keep ourselves pure and sanctified for Jesus as we are His temple. This is our generation, our responsibility.
I would love to encourage Darren and Joey. Despite being young, both of you have served the Lord though the Video ministery. As for all the video crew, keep up the good work.
Our youth in the worship ministery: Jing Guo, Joanne Fu, Grace Chan, Silas, Joel Leong, Joel Lim, Joash, Josiah, Jireh Yew, and those whom I have missed out; I thank you for leading us into praise and worship. Sound guys Jin Lun, Mathieu Tan, Nick Tan and Samuel Heng, keep up the great work. Dance members Melody, Matthew, Carmen, Gladys, Felice, Grace Chan, Michelle Tham and Jin Lun, though you people feel very sian performing again and again, you have been great in your ministry. To all you people in the other ministries such as ushering, you guys have really impacted those you serve. To those who have faithfully attended classes, well done. To all you people of Region QigeBage, Jesus loves You! Always remember that. Our dearest youth coordinators Jin Lun and Joanne, God is always there for you and that you will guide and counsel us in our walk with Christ. Dearest youth minister Grace Chong, thank you for helping us as a region grow, counselling us and mentoring us. Just as a mother hen would teach and protect her young, you have done the same as our mother in Christ. Thus, our personification of you as our mother hen.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Be certain and trust in the Lord as He loves, bless and pour out His favour upon all of us. Wish all of you a blessed new year.
three cheers and three cheers and three cheers for slumber land!
hip hip hoooray,
hip hip hoooray,
hip hip hooooooooooooooorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
great job to all in the commitee:: ) this christmas party was a great great success, wooooooooooots! haha.
and of course its only possible because we have an ever enthu, ever rar-rar, ever sponteneous, ever fun-loving, ever cranky, ever cool/hott region; the best ever, region seven and eight!
i mean seriously, i must praise you guys for being sporting in wearing pyjamas! im soo happy, and im sure the rest of the commitee people are tooo! haa. so more next time okay? whats next, swimsuit? okay, i was just kidding. LOL!
goodnight people, and i must must say, i love you QIGEBAGE! haha, give tomorrow your best at the youth led service, show the adults what we've got:: ) takecare!
hip hip hoooray,
hip hip hoooray,
hip hip hooooooooooooooorayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
great job to all in the commitee:: ) this christmas party was a great great success, wooooooooooots! haha.
and of course its only possible because we have an ever enthu, ever rar-rar, ever sponteneous, ever fun-loving, ever cranky, ever cool/hott region; the best ever, region seven and eight!
i mean seriously, i must praise you guys for being sporting in wearing pyjamas! im soo happy, and im sure the rest of the commitee people are tooo! haa. so more next time okay? whats next, swimsuit? okay, i was just kidding. LOL!
goodnight people, and i must must say, i love you QIGEBAGE! haha, give tomorrow your best at the youth led service, show the adults what we've got:: ) takecare!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Youth Activity(:
Leave a comment stating what you can bring! Thanks(:
Leave a comment stating what you can bring! Thanks(:
Tribute to Our Slumber Party
(and our Year 2007 together as well)

Yep, I made another wallpaper.
Thanks for the wonderful party guys,
Let's welcome 2008 together as a region!
You guys never fail to make me smile
And I know I complain I'm tired all the time
But let me tell you, every second is always worth it
QiGeBaGe Go Go Go :)
I love you crazy, loud, hyperactive people you.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Fly Away, to Slumber Land

Venue: Futsing Level One
Time: 6pm-10pm (its a slumber party, but no sleepovers)
Cost: $10 / person (to be paid to your leaders at the party)
Dresscode: Pyjamas (lets see some sportsmanship people!)
Things to bring:
1. A gift worth $5- $10 (mainly for your littlt timmy)
2. The plush toys you hug to sleep, or your pillow.
3. Your friends:: )
The party is TODAY! i'll see you then.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
long overdue...
a bdae song for Jo Wong on 10th Dec 07
(still got more...when i got time k...paiseh...anyway some clips too huge...canot upload...)
Sry your papa paul's a noob. Didnt' know there's an account called papa paul and almost posted using my own blog.
To my Dearest Little Timmy - Samuel Chan
Hey lil timmy. Wonder if you read wtba. Seems like not. Not sure.
Anyway, how's life? How's your Christmas? Had fun at the Aloha Family Christmas?Hope you did! Received lotsa presents?
sigh...I really do not know what to say here. I'm a lousy papapaul rite? I'm so sorry. Don't get angry ok?
Anyway you will see me tomorrow already. Dun be mad at me hor. Haha!
Take care my dear timmy^^
papapaul signing off!
Anyway, how's life? How's your Christmas? Had fun at the Aloha Family Christmas?Hope you did! Received lotsa presents?
sigh...I really do not know what to say here. I'm a lousy papapaul rite? I'm so sorry. Don't get angry ok?
Anyway you will see me tomorrow already. Dun be mad at me hor. Haha!
Take care my dear timmy^^
papapaul signing off!
im here again.!
cause i felt very bad.
so im here to say that papapaul is thinking of youuuu!
honoured? (:
i feeeel so cool.
i can post on wtba.
its so cool and easy.
hahah i sound like a noob.
im here again.!
cause i felt very bad.
so im here to say that papapaul is thinking of youuuu!
honoured? (:
i feeeel so cool.
i can post on wtba.
its so cool and easy.
hahah i sound like a noob.
joey im sorry.
litttle timmy you!
ehhh i think youre so gna hate me.
im so so so so sorrry for like writing so late.
i was very lazy.
i hope it not too late to apologise!
even though I dont know you well,
or rather i dont even know you,
yet im still very happy to always see you around!
ever so joyful and bubbly!
its contagious!
i m also very very happy to always see you so passionate for God,
it makes me wna serve him all the more too!
(: continue shining for him.
im sure it spurs many others on too!
i think youre so gna kill me tomorrow!
when you know who i am.
but i think you should know what.
isnt it rather obvious.
eh you should be very honoured.
my virgin post is a dedication to you!
(i bet youre cancelling out all those who posted before. haha)
okay. i think im gettingvery long and draggy ! hahahhaa.
okay, anyways,
just know that your papa paul hasnt entirely forgotten about you!
and youre still very much loved by region dee.
(: hahahhaa.
so i'll see you again alrights!
litttle timmy you!
ehhh i think youre so gna hate me.
im so so so so sorrry for like writing so late.
i was very lazy.
i hope it not too late to apologise!
even though I dont know you well,
or rather i dont even know you,
yet im still very happy to always see you around!
ever so joyful and bubbly!
its contagious!
i m also very very happy to always see you so passionate for God,
it makes me wna serve him all the more too!
(: continue shining for him.
im sure it spurs many others on too!
i think youre so gna kill me tomorrow!
when you know who i am.
but i think you should know what.
isnt it rather obvious.
eh you should be very honoured.
my virgin post is a dedication to you!
(i bet youre cancelling out all those who posted before. haha)
okay. i think im gettingvery long and draggy ! hahahhaa.
okay, anyways,
just know that your papa paul hasnt entirely forgotten about you!
and youre still very much loved by region dee.
(: hahahhaa.
so i'll see you again alrights!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Party on Friday Pt2.
In addition to Carmen's post about the party this Friday,
Bring your Night-ingales as well!
Eg: Your drool-filled pillow,
Ted the Bear, Booster,
Emo Elmo (Jacinth Grace's)
Till then, Merry Christmas Love ones!
Eg: Your drool-filled pillow,
Ted the Bear, Booster,
Emo Elmo (Jacinth Grace's)
Till then, Merry Christmas Love ones!
What's for Christmas?
Hello there people, Merry Merry Christmas!
Most of you would have probably heard about the upcoming Christmas Party for the youths, and i'm here to give you more details about the party:: )
This year, we are doing things a little different; we will be having a Christmas Slumber Party! Following is more info on the party itself.

Slumber Land
Venue: Futsing, Level 1 (where we have our sunday services)
Time: 6pm-9.30pm
Fees: $10/person
Dress code: Pajamas (PJs)
Things to bring: A Gift between $5-$10 for Gift Exchange
Ladies and Gentlemen, please wear decent looking pajamas and avoid all your sexy, 'holey' ones:: )
if you dont feel comfortable walking around in your PJs, you can change over at Futsing itself. but we are urging everyone to please, please wear your pajamas! be sporting and lets all do this together. the success of this party is in your hands!
the activities for that day;
we will be having great food, greater games, great great performance and yes gift exchange. by then, you will also get to know who is your lovely papa paul:: )
and please, don't forget! this is a christmas outreach party so yes, ask your friends along to join us for a night of fun!
For the net leaders;
1. All attendance is to be confirmed by Wednesday Midnight and net leaders to forward the names of the members confirm coming to Jinlun by then.
2. The $10 fees is to be collected by you for your net and given to me (carmen) on friday before the party ends.
alrighto people, i think its about all. phew, it sure is alot of things to take note of! haha. do spread the word around and let the other youths know about the party too! will update you guys moree soooon, but takecare till then!
Most of you would have probably heard about the upcoming Christmas Party for the youths, and i'm here to give you more details about the party:: )
This year, we are doing things a little different; we will be having a Christmas Slumber Party! Following is more info on the party itself.

Slumber Land
Venue: Futsing, Level 1 (where we have our sunday services)
Time: 6pm-9.30pm
Fees: $10/person
Dress code: Pajamas (PJs)
Things to bring: A Gift between $5-$10 for Gift Exchange
Ladies and Gentlemen, please wear decent looking pajamas and avoid all your sexy, 'holey' ones:: )
if you dont feel comfortable walking around in your PJs, you can change over at Futsing itself. but we are urging everyone to please, please wear your pajamas! be sporting and lets all do this together. the success of this party is in your hands!
the activities for that day;
we will be having great food, greater games, great great performance and yes gift exchange. by then, you will also get to know who is your lovely papa paul:: )
and please, don't forget! this is a christmas outreach party so yes, ask your friends along to join us for a night of fun!
For the net leaders;
1. All attendance is to be confirmed by Wednesday Midnight and net leaders to forward the names of the members confirm coming to Jinlun by then.
2. The $10 fees is to be collected by you for your net and given to me (carmen) on friday before the party ends.
alrighto people, i think its about all. phew, it sure is alot of things to take note of! haha. do spread the word around and let the other youths know about the party too! will update you guys moree soooon, but takecare till then!
hey lyd!
i knw you dont usually come online but i do hope you see this post!
i'm sorry i havent been getting you anything or writting to you.. i'll give you a hug to compensate you once they reveal who i am kay! haha. sorry if i sound like a stingy lesbian but OH WELL. a papa paul's gotta do what a papa paul's gotta do! to the best of my abilities that is. haa. and besides, i'm lazieeeeee. heh.
keep smiling girl :D
God bless!
P.S (what does ps stand for anw??)
i dno if i'm reeeeally slow, but YOUR SPECS ARE GONE! contacts ah?
woh woh woh! pretty girl all grown up and wearing contacts alr! whoo!
but you look FAB dear (:
i'm sorry i havent been getting you anything or writting to you.. i'll give you a hug to compensate you once they reveal who i am kay! haha. sorry if i sound like a stingy lesbian but OH WELL. a papa paul's gotta do what a papa paul's gotta do! to the best of my abilities that is. haa. and besides, i'm lazieeeeee. heh.
keep smiling girl :D
God bless!
P.S (what does ps stand for anw??)
i dno if i'm reeeeally slow, but YOUR SPECS ARE GONE! contacts ah?
woh woh woh! pretty girl all grown up and wearing contacts alr! whoo!
but you look FAB dear (:
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I do believe in "Santa Claus".
But i'm not talking about the big red dude carrying a sack of presents!
i'm talking about people in our everyday life!
parents that gave their time, effort, money in exchange for their child's smiling faces.
people who donated funds so that charity organizations can buy presents for orphans.
"Santa Claus" are everywhere and in many forms!
anyone that gives, hoping for a warmth in the heart or a smile on the other party, is a "Santa Claus".
So when i say i do believe in "Santa Claus", i really mean it!
But be sure not to forget the true meaning of Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!
-This post is dedicated to GladysSohBeiYi-
and everyone else =D
But i'm not talking about the big red dude carrying a sack of presents!
i'm talking about people in our everyday life!
parents that gave their time, effort, money in exchange for their child's smiling faces.
people who donated funds so that charity organizations can buy presents for orphans.
"Santa Claus" are everywhere and in many forms!
anyone that gives, hoping for a warmth in the heart or a smile on the other party, is a "Santa Claus".
So when i say i do believe in "Santa Claus", i really mean it!
But be sure not to forget the true meaning of Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone!
-This post is dedicated to GladysSohBeiYi-
and everyone else =D
To Isabelle, my sister in christ
Hey Isabelle.
I have no idea whether you visit this blog or not because i don't see you tag or make any movements around here. Whatever it is, i wanna apologize if your not happy with me, your papapaul, for just writing one letter to you.
2008 has been a great year no doubt, i'm sure its been good for you. Your moving on through secondary school and there are many different types of people all around you, continue to shower your love over these people. I see you during Saturdays but you would always go home after that. But no worries my friend, God knows you love him, and i know you love REGION D. God will bless you through the days of your life. Continue to seek and find him, he will draw towards you and your life, definitely, would be fantastic.
Merry Christmas my friend, my little timothy, you've done great. See you soon and my identity would be revealed to you at the Christmas Party, see you there! Ho Ho Ho!
I have no idea whether you visit this blog or not because i don't see you tag or make any movements around here. Whatever it is, i wanna apologize if your not happy with me, your papapaul, for just writing one letter to you.
2008 has been a great year no doubt, i'm sure its been good for you. Your moving on through secondary school and there are many different types of people all around you, continue to shower your love over these people. I see you during Saturdays but you would always go home after that. But no worries my friend, God knows you love him, and i know you love REGION D. God will bless you through the days of your life. Continue to seek and find him, he will draw towards you and your life, definitely, would be fantastic.
Merry Christmas my friend, my little timothy, you've done great. See you soon and my identity would be revealed to you at the Christmas Party, see you there! Ho Ho Ho!
if you're lazy, just read the words in red! haha.
warning! this post is gna be cheesy and lovey dovey and extremely looong
sorry to put you through all this but i had to type all of this down. it's bursting inside of me! haha.
oh my gosh, i havent posted here in AGES! man. i think it's cause wtba is SO super alive now! so no need my nonsense! haha! good job guys! keep the loveee coming! (:
anw, the reason why i finally decided to blog here today is cause i wna thank all of you here for making my christmas special (:
as you all probably knw by now, I OVERSLEPT AND MISSED THE CHRISTMAS SCV. bummer. BUT! i alr paid the price by totally wasting my efforts of staying till 5am to finsh making my christmas presents.. honestly, missing today's scv spoilt my whole christmas! cause i wasnt able to see you guys and hang out! (and get my christmas presents!) haha. just kidding :D but yah la, face it. i am materialistic and selfish. haha!
anw, back to the point.
i miss the service ):
and it was so not worth it! my dream was FRICKIN tiring can?! i was in INDIA hanging on for my dear life!! all because i volunteered to do CIP there. madness!
and not like almost losing your life is bad enough, i had to eat FAKE CHICKEN RICE! emphasise: FAKE?!
and i paid like, FIFTY DOLLARS for it lah. tio scam sia! wl. the chicken rice turned out to be eey fan cor cheng! which is pork in.. err. what do you call indian language? err.. *snaps finger. err.. indian language.. er.. AH! TAMIL!!
hahaha. eey fan cor cheng were tamil words in my dream! HAHA. but it's so ironic lah. i mean like, pork? in india?? haha. dreams are weird man. i dont even knw how come i can rmb my dreams! HAHA!
and oh my gosh! i keep side tracking! grrr. bad habit! i should like make all the unnecessary stuff in like, different colour and see how much of these i say are acutally necessary! haha. and yes, this is unnecesary too. oopps?
and yes, back to my point AGAIN.
you guys made my christmas special! how? read on..
well, i ended up spending my entire christmas at home.
yes, exactly! S-I-A-N.
i was SO bored till S.I.A.N was brought to a whole new level! it's now "sian" with ten As! SIAAAAAAAAAAN!
HAHAHA! side track again! PAISEH.
anyhow, i was really sad lah. i tried to entertain myself by reading archie comics, hiding in the toilet?! sleeping, eating non-stop, irritating my sister on purpose, watching tv like channel eight drama seriel follwed by HBO movie, mission impossible three, then disney channel's hannah montanah, totally spies and now suppose to be playing crazy taxi but my comp's screwed up...
right. and i realise that this is totally unnecessary too..
and as i was saying..
christmas is like Jesus' birthday? and i totally missed the church service! like, how right is that lah. sigh. felt really bad inside. and like i said. i tried to "celebrate" as much as i can by "enjoying" myself and stuff but i still felt suuuuper URGH inside..
until i came here, wtba! oh my goodness la. you guys are an AWESOME AND FANTASTIC bunch of HAPPY AND FUN-LOVING youths.. it's SO heart warming to read your posts and watch those videos!
call me idiotic, but i feel so touched la. i can't really explain it. but i'm so happy cause i'm blessed to be a part of this region, this totally fab region (:
there's just so much love and acceptance here. and unity too! (yea! prayers work!)
i can rmb how clique-ish we use to be.. and how we fail to include new pple or even leave out the old ones! worst, we got into silly fights with each other and Grace had to step in. i cant speak for the guys, but i do knw of a couple of misunderstandings among the girls..
but will you look at us now! we've learnt to become a FAMILY. an inclusive family (: going out of our way and coming out of our comfort zone! and look! pple are starting to "mature"! WOW! and not forgetting the fact that we are amaingly GORGEOUS. like duh, made in the image of God! anw, there's just smthg abt us that make heads turn. plus we're so well known for our "hear us before you see us" thingg. so for the minority who refuse to turn their heads due to their resistance to our super powerful appeal, their ears will still be filled with our noise! WHOO HOO! we rockkkk the wurlddd baby! and for those qi ge ba ge haters, deeeeep downnnn inside, they DESPERTATELY want a piece of us! YEA-UH! YOU HEARD ME! THEY WANT A PIECE OF US!! go us! hahaha.
man, you guys are one cool bunch of dudes and babes(:
anw, you made me realise how lucky i am! that besides the christmas joy of giving, receiving, caroling, friendship and love, there's still this joy of being part of wonderful past memories and being able to see beyond what you dont have and treasuring what you do have (: it's just so amazing.
you knw what? i think we're like ice kachang..
and speaking of ice kachang, oh my god. have i told you before? like, besides baked rice, ba gua, sharks fin and all the yummy food i love, ice kachang RAAAAWKSSS! esp the one at jo wong's house!! it's LEGENDARY. like, the aunty is super nice? and they are sooo generous with their servings!! it's a MUST-TRY lah. only $1.50! and it's not fattening or whatever so HURRAY ICE KACHANG!!
heh. there i go again.. blabbering. sorry!
yah. back to my point. REGION QI GE BA GE = ICE KACHANG (:
firstly, it taste GREAT! REALLY GREAT. (which means we rock lah)
secondly, ice kachang wont be ice kachang without the ICE and the KACHANG!
haha. i knw it's a "DUH" fact. but seriously. think abt it. kachang means like, rojak, all sorts of stuff thrown in tgter :D
and WE, each of us, is a particular ingredient!
even though some ingredients are weird and do not appeal to some pple,
(like corn and the huge white colour hard atapchi or smthg..) it's still part of the ice kachang!
even though we can have ice kachang without them, it's just not the same! oh shucks, it'll be completely different!
even though some pple think it'll taste better without them, there are still the others who will think otherwise.. (and can i hear a "UH HUH" from the corn and atapchi lovers out there?!) haha.
every ingredient is what makes up the ice kachang! every ingredient is equally impt!
even though sometimes some pple may seem more impt or more well liked, (like the yummy red beans) but i cant imagine ice kachang without the colourful jelly bits which often go un-noticed in the ice melted coloured water..
and yes, there are times that there are more of THAT type of pple and less of MY type of pple, resulting in me feeling left out, unable to fit in, awkward and thus, i shall shaddup and live in my own world in solitude. like anyone cares anw.
BUT THEN, in this qigebage ice kachang, though the red beans populate the bowl, the solitary strands of funny green jelly still contribute to the sensational taste of ice kachang. a taste the red beans alone can never give.
so likewise, YOU are impt. everyone of you. rmb this and never ever feel unimportant or unloved! i'm so glad many of your understand this. and i can testify of the many acts that you guys do to make each individual feel a part of this family (: and this cant be done by one person alone. not even a group. i just see all of you, at your own time, in your own way, giving yourself to pple, loving them, praying for each other and just simply being there. physically, emotionally and spritually. and the best part is, all these are from within you. it's from your heart. the love of God just overflowing.. God bless this region.
i'll never forget the sight of all of your laying your hands on each other during a youth camp altar call, praying and crying over one another, sincerly, and from your heart. (that altar call that grace said only the leaders should be praying for)
man, your care and concern for each other is so heart warming! and i just wanted to let you all know that you guys are IRREPLACABLE! whether pple tell you how much they love you or whether they dont, each one of you are loved. and your are loved ALOT ALOT ALOT. ohman. you guys are the best! please dont EVER go away! i want every single one of you in my life! every one! even if you're just someone breathing in the oxygen around me everytime you show up, I WANT YOU! like i said, i'm selfish! and i dont care! no one can steal you away! and you better not run away! or i'll catch you back and hang you by your eye lashes!! haha!
another incident i'll never forget is the tuck wah gangster incident (: it's suppose to be low profile but since i have to mention it here, i'll skip the details..
well, some pple think i'm RETARDED to think that such a horrible, and possibly painful incident, is cool. BUT i still think it's freaking cool (:
i mean like, i saw how the guys were there for each other, how they stood TOGETHER and how they risked getting beaten up just to protect the rest of us.. and it's times like this we discover gems in our region and change our perspectives of pple. for example, dillion! i dno how to spell his name but boy was he cute! who knew that he would run over and defend us too! hero! haha. and min yi! she's so sweet! you can go find out for yourself what she did.. i dont want to embarass her here :D
having said all these, why not we start working tgter to fill our ice kachang bowl with more yummies! and also help bring back the corn and atapchi that may have left the bowl.. i dont care if it's cause they thought they tasted bad with the rest of the ingredients or just cause they felt like being a part of a even cooler dessert aka group (like honeydew sago).. bring them back home!
alright man! ice kachang rulezzzzzzz! haha. sorry wonggg! i jealous of your cine honeydew sago :D
haha. ya lah, i'm a jealous person too. hahaha!
yes yes! going to end alr. relaxxxxxx lah! *does the samuel heng hand action* haha. i just wna end with this..
I LOVE YOU PEE POO NEH BUTT! aka jo ces glads.
warning! this post is gna be cheesy and lovey dovey and extremely looong
sorry to put you through all this but i had to type all of this down. it's bursting inside of me! haha.
oh my gosh, i havent posted here in AGES! man. i think it's cause wtba is SO super alive now! so no need my nonsense! haha! good job guys! keep the loveee coming! (:
anw, the reason why i finally decided to blog here today is cause i wna thank all of you here for making my christmas special (:
as you all probably knw by now, I OVERSLEPT AND MISSED THE CHRISTMAS SCV. bummer. BUT! i alr paid the price by totally wasting my efforts of staying till 5am to finsh making my christmas presents.. honestly, missing today's scv spoilt my whole christmas! cause i wasnt able to see you guys and hang out! (and get my christmas presents!) haha. just kidding :D but yah la, face it. i am materialistic and selfish. haha!
anw, back to the point.
i miss the service ):
and it was so not worth it! my dream was FRICKIN tiring can?! i was in INDIA hanging on for my dear life!! all because i volunteered to do CIP there. madness!
and not like almost losing your life is bad enough, i had to eat FAKE CHICKEN RICE! emphasise: FAKE?!
and i paid like, FIFTY DOLLARS for it lah. tio scam sia! wl. the chicken rice turned out to be eey fan cor cheng! which is pork in.. err. what do you call indian language? err.. *snaps finger. err.. indian language.. er.. AH! TAMIL!!
hahaha. eey fan cor cheng were tamil words in my dream! HAHA. but it's so ironic lah. i mean like, pork? in india?? haha. dreams are weird man. i dont even knw how come i can rmb my dreams! HAHA!
and oh my gosh! i keep side tracking! grrr. bad habit! i should like make all the unnecessary stuff in like, different colour and see how much of these i say are acutally necessary! haha. and yes, this is unnecesary too. oopps?
and yes, back to my point AGAIN.
you guys made my christmas special! how? read on..
well, i ended up spending my entire christmas at home.
yes, exactly! S-I-A-N.
i was SO bored till S.I.A.N was brought to a whole new level! it's now "sian" with ten As! SIAAAAAAAAAAN!
HAHAHA! side track again! PAISEH.
anyhow, i was really sad lah. i tried to entertain myself by reading archie comics, hiding in the toilet?! sleeping, eating non-stop, irritating my sister on purpose, watching tv like channel eight drama seriel follwed by HBO movie, mission impossible three, then disney channel's hannah montanah, totally spies and now suppose to be playing crazy taxi but my comp's screwed up...
right. and i realise that this is totally unnecessary too..
and as i was saying..
christmas is like Jesus' birthday? and i totally missed the church service! like, how right is that lah. sigh. felt really bad inside. and like i said. i tried to "celebrate" as much as i can by "enjoying" myself and stuff but i still felt suuuuper URGH inside..
until i came here, wtba! oh my goodness la. you guys are an AWESOME AND FANTASTIC bunch of HAPPY AND FUN-LOVING youths.. it's SO heart warming to read your posts and watch those videos!
call me idiotic, but i feel so touched la. i can't really explain it. but i'm so happy cause i'm blessed to be a part of this region, this totally fab region (:
there's just so much love and acceptance here. and unity too! (yea! prayers work!)
i can rmb how clique-ish we use to be.. and how we fail to include new pple or even leave out the old ones! worst, we got into silly fights with each other and Grace had to step in. i cant speak for the guys, but i do knw of a couple of misunderstandings among the girls..
but will you look at us now! we've learnt to become a FAMILY. an inclusive family (: going out of our way and coming out of our comfort zone! and look! pple are starting to "mature"! WOW! and not forgetting the fact that we are amaingly GORGEOUS. like duh, made in the image of God! anw, there's just smthg abt us that make heads turn. plus we're so well known for our "hear us before you see us" thingg. so for the minority who refuse to turn their heads due to their resistance to our super powerful appeal, their ears will still be filled with our noise! WHOO HOO! we rockkkk the wurlddd baby! and for those qi ge ba ge haters, deeeeep downnnn inside, they DESPERTATELY want a piece of us! YEA-UH! YOU HEARD ME! THEY WANT A PIECE OF US!! go us! hahaha.
man, you guys are one cool bunch of dudes and babes(:
anw, you made me realise how lucky i am! that besides the christmas joy of giving, receiving, caroling, friendship and love, there's still this joy of being part of wonderful past memories and being able to see beyond what you dont have and treasuring what you do have (: it's just so amazing.
you knw what? i think we're like ice kachang..
and speaking of ice kachang, oh my god. have i told you before? like, besides baked rice, ba gua, sharks fin and all the yummy food i love, ice kachang RAAAAWKSSS! esp the one at jo wong's house!! it's LEGENDARY. like, the aunty is super nice? and they are sooo generous with their servings!! it's a MUST-TRY lah. only $1.50! and it's not fattening or whatever so HURRAY ICE KACHANG!!
heh. there i go again.. blabbering. sorry!
yah. back to my point. REGION QI GE BA GE = ICE KACHANG (:
firstly, it taste GREAT! REALLY GREAT. (which means we rock lah)
secondly, ice kachang wont be ice kachang without the ICE and the KACHANG!
haha. i knw it's a "DUH" fact. but seriously. think abt it. kachang means like, rojak, all sorts of stuff thrown in tgter :D
and WE, each of us, is a particular ingredient!
even though some ingredients are weird and do not appeal to some pple,
(like corn and the huge white colour hard atapchi or smthg..) it's still part of the ice kachang!
even though we can have ice kachang without them, it's just not the same! oh shucks, it'll be completely different!
even though some pple think it'll taste better without them, there are still the others who will think otherwise.. (and can i hear a "UH HUH" from the corn and atapchi lovers out there?!) haha.
every ingredient is what makes up the ice kachang! every ingredient is equally impt!
even though sometimes some pple may seem more impt or more well liked, (like the yummy red beans) but i cant imagine ice kachang without the colourful jelly bits which often go un-noticed in the ice melted coloured water..
and yes, there are times that there are more of THAT type of pple and less of MY type of pple, resulting in me feeling left out, unable to fit in, awkward and thus, i shall shaddup and live in my own world in solitude. like anyone cares anw.
BUT THEN, in this qigebage ice kachang, though the red beans populate the bowl, the solitary strands of funny green jelly still contribute to the sensational taste of ice kachang. a taste the red beans alone can never give.
so likewise, YOU are impt. everyone of you. rmb this and never ever feel unimportant or unloved! i'm so glad many of your understand this. and i can testify of the many acts that you guys do to make each individual feel a part of this family (: and this cant be done by one person alone. not even a group. i just see all of you, at your own time, in your own way, giving yourself to pple, loving them, praying for each other and just simply being there. physically, emotionally and spritually. and the best part is, all these are from within you. it's from your heart. the love of God just overflowing.. God bless this region.
i'll never forget the sight of all of your laying your hands on each other during a youth camp altar call, praying and crying over one another, sincerly, and from your heart. (that altar call that grace said only the leaders should be praying for)
man, your care and concern for each other is so heart warming! and i just wanted to let you all know that you guys are IRREPLACABLE! whether pple tell you how much they love you or whether they dont, each one of you are loved. and your are loved ALOT ALOT ALOT. ohman. you guys are the best! please dont EVER go away! i want every single one of you in my life! every one! even if you're just someone breathing in the oxygen around me everytime you show up, I WANT YOU! like i said, i'm selfish! and i dont care! no one can steal you away! and you better not run away! or i'll catch you back and hang you by your eye lashes!! haha!
another incident i'll never forget is the tuck wah gangster incident (: it's suppose to be low profile but since i have to mention it here, i'll skip the details..
well, some pple think i'm RETARDED to think that such a horrible, and possibly painful incident, is cool. BUT i still think it's freaking cool (:
i mean like, i saw how the guys were there for each other, how they stood TOGETHER and how they risked getting beaten up just to protect the rest of us.. and it's times like this we discover gems in our region and change our perspectives of pple. for example, dillion! i dno how to spell his name but boy was he cute! who knew that he would run over and defend us too! hero! haha. and min yi! she's so sweet! you can go find out for yourself what she did.. i dont want to embarass her here :D
having said all these, why not we start working tgter to fill our ice kachang bowl with more yummies! and also help bring back the corn and atapchi that may have left the bowl.. i dont care if it's cause they thought they tasted bad with the rest of the ingredients or just cause they felt like being a part of a even cooler dessert aka group (like honeydew sago).. bring them back home!
alright man! ice kachang rulezzzzzzz! haha. sorry wonggg! i jealous of your cine honeydew sago :D
haha. ya lah, i'm a jealous person too. hahaha!
yes yes! going to end alr. relaxxxxxx lah! *does the samuel heng hand action* haha. i just wna end with this..
I LOVE YOU PEE POO NEH BUTT! aka jo ces glads.
Little Timmy SammyHeng,

I heard you lost the note i gave you and was a little sad.
But i want to say sorry for not writing more to you.
Been quite busy at late.
I know you must be wondering who I am,
be patience and you will know soon.
Good to know that you were touched by God at camp!
Know that God can touched you even in Singapore.
Last but not least, remember:
The cross before you the world behind you, no turning back no turning back!
Kick me! (I always remember you by your shirt)

Hello Benjamin Chua! :) Yes of course, I am a girl.
But the question is.. which girl?
That, you will find out on friday, during the Christmas party. For now, I apologize for only giving you a letter during youth camp because the first letter was lost, and had to replace it. Haha.
I pray that when you receive your Olevel results next year, all glory be unto God and I also pray that you will seek God and ask him for directions regarding your choice of poly, jc or anything. Pray, and ask God if he has any plans for you :)
Continue to faithfully pray for YOUR ONE, and believe that your one will be saved by next year! Also, I pray that you will be a evangelist for God in every aspects of your life and you will rise up to be a net leader! :)
Luke 11:28 Blessed are those who hear and obey God's word.
Your MamaPauline :D HAHA