Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores.
You awoke without kneeling to pray.
As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night.
You are so unthankful, I like that about you.
I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living,
Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don't love you yet.
As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate God.
He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back.
You see, Fool, GOD LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you
But you have yielded your life to me, and I'm going to make your life a living hell.
That way, we'll be together twice. This will really hurt God.
Thanks to you, I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life with all of the good times we've had.
We have been...
watching dirty movies,
cursing people out,
stealing, lying,
being hypocritical, fornicating, overeating,
telling dirty jokes, gossiping,
being judgmental,back stabbing people,
disrespecting adults, and those in leadership positions,
having no respect for the Church, and
bad attitudes.
SURELY you don't want to give all this up.
Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever. I've got some hot plans for us. This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you.
I'd like to say 'THANKS' for letting me use you for most of your foolish life.
You are so gullible, I laugh at you.
When you are tempted to sin, you give in
HA HA HA, you make me sick.
Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life. You look 20 years older, and now, I need new blood.
So go ahead and teach some children how to sin.
All you have to do is smoke, get drunk or drink while under-aged, cheat, gamble, gossip, fornicate, and live being as selfish as possible.
Do all of this in the presence of children and they will do it too. Kids are like that.
Well, Fool, I have to let you go for now. I'll be back in a couple of seconds to tempt you again. If you were smart, you would run somewhere, confess your sins, and live for God with what little bit of life that you have left.
It's not my nature to warn anyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I still hate you.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hey all, sorry for the long wait, here are the pics for the Outreach : Dream for Sale!
I have split them into 2 ablums,
First , the Drama itself..

This is the link:
Second, the Funshots!

This is the link :
I have split them into 2 ablums,
First , the Drama itself..
This is the link:
Second, the Funshots!
This is the link :

1 . Do you know a person's past?
when u look at someone, do u evaluate a person's character? do u determine whether he or she is smart/good-looking/poor/sociable, or? is it stereotyping crap? people might seriously not be what u think they are. like they say, dont judge a book by its cover. but even more, do u know their past? do u know which part of their past makes up their every character? maybe not. it is true that people should not keep dwelling on the past but look to the future. BUT, the past is an essential point for reflection. there may be a dark side of people's lives which they are unwilling or it is too difficult to pour out. maybe at times bits and pieces of the story may be leaked out. this bits and pieces may be what makes up the person u see today, whether quiet or determined or open or whatever it is. this is actually quite uncontrollable by the person himself. it can be said that most of the time, nobody knows the entire story of another individual's life.
maybe we should all look at others in a different light? u see a person super nervous all the time. he/she stutters when they talk and cant think clearly. you wouldnt know if the person has been bullied all the time when they were young and they do not reveal it. or probably they got humiliated publicly too often, that they have just developed that fear in them since young that they try hard to counter when they are older. if they dont tell u about these incidents, would u ever know? most likely not. some people really try extremely hard to counter themselves to change for the good and be accepted by all, but changing is just.. not so easy.
2. Have you found your true self?
seriously, it is a fact that people change. people change throughout their lives, sometimes a drastic change, sometimes a gradual change. sometimes they change due to unexpected events or undesired events. in fact, parts of a person change. the quotient of patience might be 40% before an event. after an event, the quotient may increase to 70%, or decrease to 20%. However, i feel so much that at the end, people find themselves back MOST of the time. maybe u've gotten tougher over the years, more outspoken, better determination. Ultimately when u think back to how much u've grown, u'll realise that theres a limit to ur change. i mean like if ur nature is to be kind to others, i srsly do not believe that u will suddenly lose all that kindness and stop being kind to others. if all ur life u have always upheld justice, suddenly u change and u treat people unfair. after a few months or years, i trust that if a person reflects enough, maybe through mistakes or whatever, he or she will realise that what they are doing is not them and will go back to their nature of being just to others.
a very apt example is the people from the yellow ribbon campaign. see all those people who made a mistake in their lives, if they are willing to change, surely they have found back themselves, or else they would most likely continue to commit mistakes, am i wrong? maybe their good nature is too far back, or lost due to the mundane cycle of life. they lose themselves and commit mistakes. After many many years, a 40 yr old can still find back their good nature 20 yrs ago, if they are willing to. Even though i havent lived so long, i see that through examples and i believe it is so. people can try to change themselves, for the good or for the worse, but people just shouldnt fool themselves. i know i commit that mistake myself umpteenth times, i change myself and fool myself into believing i alr thrown away the bad/goody side of me. and then, i go through changes myself but see that ultimately, i find myself back. i find my true self back, its just.. there.
Friday, September 12, 2008
because, you are Grace

Dear Grace,
although we might seem unappreciative at times.. the fact is that, we can't do without you. Your love and care for us might not come in the ways we think it should come in, but you have nonetheless touched our lives. Thank You for always being the spiritual leader or mum (heh) over us, and constantly being there to listen and put us on the right track. You are the one and onlyyyyyyyyyy Grace Chong, we love.
So, happy birthday Grace! (:
RegD Youths.
This is what Grace feels about the surprise:
(she sent it to the leaders, so I thought everybody should see this cause the entire region was part of the surprise too)
"Thanks so much for ur love n care. Quite a few of u asked me whether i was really surprised n let me tell u tt i REALLY REALLY was surprised. I love u all heaps. E greatest gift u all can give me is 2 c u all grow in e Lord AND to make a diff in e lives of others."
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"To love someone deeply gives you strength,
Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage."
Lao Tzu
As I move on, I face the unknown with courage because I come from a past chapter filled with love and fun episodes of great victories. I bid farewell leaving a part of my heart with all of you, soldiers who have fought for Christ with me, turning “I Cannots!” into “I CANs!”… in drama, net outreaches and heart-to-heart talks that changed the course of our lives. I’m so privileged to be in a creative ‘go-getter’ region.

Thank you for the farewell send off, the item my dear princesses prepared moved me to tears… the pieces of my heart are missing you! Still remember when you gals had center partings.
Having been on a break for so long, the speeches from Jo Wong, Shawn, Franklin, Tuck, JL, Jo Fu, Ces, Silas, Carmen, Nic, Grace, the notes, chocolates and msges from everyone else, made me really stand in awe at who ya’ll were talking about. To know I once was all that to you guys makes me cry and go “WOW God, you really did all that through me? God You’re amazing!” Rock in the God boat youths, the power of a submitted life will take you further than you can ever imagine. There are times that we all fall, or I have at least, but we don’t have an excuse to give up coz God has never given up on us.
Youths, keep God ever before you. Ephesians 4:3 "Make every effort to keep the UNITY of the spirit through the bond of peace.” Let no man or issue come between, so that the world will know that truly God moves mightily through this youth min. Honor and respect your leaders and choose to keep accountable. Yes, its many times a choice.
Net leaders: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot. Everything you do and your thoughts toward others have the power to help shape their destinies, so do it with excellence in mind and never loose heart. Keep spurring and praying for each other. Romans 12:10 "love each other with genuine affection and take delight in honoring each other."
Everyone, the door of my heart is always open. Late night calls and KFC dates, sleepover balls and making cakes. Don’t be a stranger. Thank you for having me in your lives.
Some random photos I found while looking back. ahah
*nice family shot *grin* *Justin *Lynn

*Tuckie the cutie *Joel,Dorothy, Dilion, Angie, Melissa

Hou Hui You Qi...
A time to reflect: A tribute to my leaders before me
Though most of you won’t know them, I am the leader I am because of them, so this is my journey….
I entered Region D, then Region F youth min at 12 yrs old.
With Wee Hian Koon (No picture but stare 4 a while at abner and u'll get what he looks like) at helm, I entered a youth ministry united umbrella of fun and love. I learnt to get things done properly and not to waste time inbetween! Still hard.
Then came Law Heiling, who exposed me to a new dimension of fun. I still stand amazed how so much nonsense and God-anointed direction can come out of the same person. He taught me the power of believing in pple! He let me host his wedding at 16! Must have made a fool of myself then. Haha.

Then Melvin Song. One I consider a mentor. He modeled a shepherd’s heart, extreme dedication and one who will go out all the way for the strays and side-lined. A leader who told me so often how he believed in me and prayed that I’ll be a history maker till I actually believed and ran with it. He’d “talk” wif me after my mum’s naggings to him about how I didn’t do my schoolwork hence shouldn’t play wif the youth so much. *rolls eyes* Took me out to Swenson’s for talks of encouragement after drama productions and grounded in me practical advise. That giving my all in youth min will always cost time, heart and money. He was never afraid to spend it and made sure youths always had a birthday surprise. Guess that’s his legacy till today in youth min. The first surprise happened for Deborah’s birthday under my watch I think.
Then there’s THE ROCK! THE POWERHOUSE! The one and only *drum roll* GRACE CHONG!
and the scandal begins
My best lap yet! She came in with a storm and remodeled the interiors, piping, foundation and everything. *grin* We battled but I cry today having to part with greatness such as Grace. It has been a privilege serving God with you. A leader whom I’ve come to trust as one who listens to the voice of God more than the voice of man. The pillar of strength only coz you draw strength from God. RESPECT! Growing and running with you was always a touch with the divine. You’ll always have a place in my heart princess of God!
In case you wana give any of my leaders a hug, they’re still in church today. Hian Koon is Abner’s dad. Heiling is the tall guy who comes back from France sometimes, Melvin is the guy who sits at the back with a tummy competing with his wife’s (Megan’s dad), and Grace, always give her a hug for me!
I entered Region D, then Region F youth min at 12 yrs old.
With Wee Hian Koon (No picture but stare 4 a while at abner and u'll get what he looks like) at helm, I entered a youth ministry united umbrella of fun and love. I learnt to get things done properly and not to waste time inbetween! Still hard.
Then came Law Heiling, who exposed me to a new dimension of fun. I still stand amazed how so much nonsense and God-anointed direction can come out of the same person. He taught me the power of believing in pple! He let me host his wedding at 16! Must have made a fool of myself then. Haha.

Then Melvin Song. One I consider a mentor. He modeled a shepherd’s heart, extreme dedication and one who will go out all the way for the strays and side-lined. A leader who told me so often how he believed in me and prayed that I’ll be a history maker till I actually believed and ran with it. He’d “talk” wif me after my mum’s naggings to him about how I didn’t do my schoolwork hence shouldn’t play wif the youth so much. *rolls eyes* Took me out to Swenson’s for talks of encouragement after drama productions and grounded in me practical advise. That giving my all in youth min will always cost time, heart and money. He was never afraid to spend it and made sure youths always had a birthday surprise. Guess that’s his legacy till today in youth min. The first surprise happened for Deborah’s birthday under my watch I think.
Then there’s THE ROCK! THE POWERHOUSE! The one and only *drum roll* GRACE CHONG!
My best lap yet! She came in with a storm and remodeled the interiors, piping, foundation and everything. *grin* We battled but I cry today having to part with greatness such as Grace. It has been a privilege serving God with you. A leader whom I’ve come to trust as one who listens to the voice of God more than the voice of man. The pillar of strength only coz you draw strength from God. RESPECT! Growing and running with you was always a touch with the divine. You’ll always have a place in my heart princess of God!
In case you wana give any of my leaders a hug, they’re still in church today. Hian Koon is Abner’s dad. Heiling is the tall guy who comes back from France sometimes, Melvin is the guy who sits at the back with a tummy competing with his wife’s (Megan’s dad), and Grace, always give her a hug for me!
Thank You, for pouring into my life....
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Greetings from China
Watch this, this is what my friends and I did in the mountain yesterday night.
It costed me one week of my food in china!!!!
haha....enjoy (Remember to on the sound)
Angie's place bbq pics!
Hey all here are some of the pics of the bbq at angie's place just now!
I just upload everything... hahas..
I just upload everything... hahas..
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
These are what i have in case anyone wants....
GRace Birthday:
GRace Birthday: